Johnson Primary School is a Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) school that serves approximately 500 students in preschool through second grade. The school opened in the school year 2005-2006 as a result of merging the primary grades from the three base elementary schools.
The certified staff at Johnson Primary School includes special area teachers for art, music, physical education, and media skills. Additionally, a full-time nurse, two guidance counselors, a school psychologist, a gifted resource teacher (AAPS), and an educational technologist serve students. The special needs of students are met through instructional support in all content areas. Johnson Primary School also serves students in special education through a continuum of special education services. Gifted students are served through the AAPS program, which is a combination pullout/inclusion model. Johnson Primary is also a Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) focused school.
Teachers collaborate in Focused Collaboration and discuss student data-driven intervention, support, and enrichment to meet the needs of all students. Individual student needs are met through flexible grouping and differentiation.
Carla Rae Bratton Johnson (1951 - 2001)
Our school is named in honor of Carla Rae Bratton Johnson.
Carla was a teacher, assistant principal and principal for DoDEA Schools in Okinawa, Japan and at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. She was tragically killed in an automobile accident in 2001.
Carla is remembered as an incredibly dedicated principal who "would do almost anything for her kids" and was always "right there with them". Carla lived her life with the belief that if you..."make a difference in a child's life every day it will make a difference in yours."